Friday, February 4, 2011


We had kind of a scary week with the Egypt protests at Fox.  One of our correspondents Greg Palkot, who I think is the greatest and a cameraman were caught inside a building in Cairo on Wednesday that was surrounded by protestors.  We received news that the protestors were trying to break in and were searching for all journalists and westerners.  The protestors are mostly thugs who are just taking this as a chance to violently loot everyone of their money and journalists of their expensive equipment.  Greg contacted us to tell us he was stuck in the building and then we didn't hear anything the rest of the day.  We tried to watch it on the news but that wasn't giving us any information on Greg.  When I got in today (Friday) I found out that Greg and our cameraman had gotten attacked by the protestors.  They had several broken bones, were bleeding and scratched up and had all of their equipment, passports, phones and money taken.  They are headed back now.  We have been focusing all of our time in the last week on the protests doing live shots and packages every day, but actually having one of our own hurt by the protests really hit home.  I hope with Mubarak stepping down this can all come to an end. 

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